Recommended Reading for Students of Krav Maga, Self Defence and the Martial Arts

Here are some of the books on our recommended reading list that we suggest to our students at the Bristol Titans Krav Maga Academy or anyone who is interested in the martial arts, self defence, fitness or combat psychology. Just click on the photo to be taken through to Amazon. This list will grow over time, I have over 300 books on the martial arts in my personal library and many hundreds of digital books, videos and dvds. I will list any of the really good ones here (eventually, when I’m not training or chasing the kids around), if you have any requests please do not be afraid to ask I am always happy to help – Jim

Complete Krav Maga: The Ultimate Guide to Over 230 Self-defense and Combative Techniques

The Gift of Fear: Survival Signals That Protect Us from Violence

Why Zebras Don’t Get Ulcers -Revised Edition


Combat psychology – understanding the nature of how and why we get into fights and some of the bodies natural responses.